Are you curious if she’s really squirting or if it’s just another bedroom myth?
You’re not the first to wonder. Squirting—yep, it’s a real thing—happens for up to 10% to 54% of women, but spotting it (and making it happen) isn’t always easy.
This post is your backstage pass to the signs, sensations, and techniques that can turn “Did she just...?” into a confident “Oh, she did.”
In this article, we'll cover:
How to Tell if She’s Really Squirting?
Let’s get real—spotting squirting isn’t always straightforward. So, how can you tell if she’s actually squirting or if it’s just wishful thinking?
There are common tell-tale signs that you can look out for to determine whether she squirted or not.
However, the signs leading up to squirting can also look a lot like those leading up to an orgasm, so pay close attention. I'll help you spot the difference.
Sign #1 - When Her Legs & Pelvic Floor Clamp Down
A strong sign is the clenching of her legs and pelvic floor. You might notice her legs shaking or tensing up.
This happens because when she feels intense pleasure, her pelvic floor muscles start to contract and tighten. It’s a natural response.
Sign #2 - When Her G-Spot Swells
The G-spot is a spongy area located a few inches inside her vagina.
It becomes more prominent when aroused due to increased blood flow. You can find it by inserting a finger facing upward and exploring the upper wall of her vagina.
While swelling can happen naturally during arousal, it's not always a clear sign of squirting.
However, when combined with other cues like pressure and pleasure buildup, it could indicate she's close.
Sign #3 - When She Pushes Back
Sometimes, she might push you out during sex. This is a reflexive action. It happens when the pressure becomes too intense.
However, it's important to understand that this isn't always a signal to stop.
It could be a reaction to the build-up, but it's also possible she's experiencing discomfort or needs a moment to adjust.
Always pay attention to her body language and check in with her to ensure she's comfortable.
Sign #4 - When You Hear That Squish
When a woman is close to squirting, you might hear fluid moving, which can create a squishy or gushing sound.
This is completely normal and often signals that she's nearing the release. The amount of fluid can vary, so don’t be surprised by the sound—it’s just part of the experience.
Sign #5 - When the Liquid Flows
Squirting occurs when the kidneys ramp up fluid production, which is then stored in the bladder and released through the urethra during intense stimulation.
Squirt fluid can differ in both appearance and quantity. Squirt is clear, slightly sweet, and can be produced in larger volumes—sometimes reaching up to a few liters, though typically it's less.
Sign #6 - When Emotions Overflow
Don’t freak out if she suddenly starts crying, laughing, or even screaming. These reactions are actually a sign that she’s fully immersed in the experience.
In fact, research shows that during intense sexual arousal, up to 70% of women experience a noticeable increase in blood flow, leading to these visible changes.
Thanks to a cocktail of dopamine and oxytocin flooding her system, she might let out a mix of tears, giggles, or even primal moans. Instead of hitting the panic button, lean in, ride the emotional wave with her, and enjoy the raw, unfiltered connection.
After all, those wild moments are a good thing!
Every woman is unique. Her signs might vary slightly.
Still, if you see her exhibit any of these, you're on the right path. Keep going and doing whatever got her to this point until she tells you to stop.
After that, comfort her, cuddle, kiss, and make sure she feels safe and cared for.
What it feels like for me when I squirt is usually quite an emotional experience.
The intense G-Spot stimulation, combined with my surrender, brings up spontaneous waves of emotions rushing through my body, which then get released in one oftentimes explosive moment.
When the liquid expels, it feels like I am letting go of what no longer serves me and releasing what was stuck inside.
I feel euphoric and in bliss afterward, totally relaxed and deeply connected within myself and my husband.
After sharing how it feels for me I want to also give you insights into what's going on inside her mind (and body) when she's close to having a squirting orgasm. This will help you better support your partner and create a more fulfilling experience for both of you.
I. G-Spot Bliss and the ‘Almost Pee’ Sensation
As a woman gets closer to squirting, she may feel an intense build-up of pleasure centered around the G-spot.
Referencing the image above, you can locate the G-spot a few inches inside the front wall of the vagina. As it swells with stimulation, sensations of tingling, warmth, and fullness—often resembling the urge to pee—are common.
The G-spot’s proximity to the bladder often causes this sensation, but if she’s recently been to the bathroom, it’s likely a sign of approaching squirting, not urination.
The pressure build-up in both the G-spot and bladder is a natural part of this experience.
II. Emotional Build Up (Powerful, Explosive, Pleasurable)
Emotional build-up is a key part of the squirting experience, especially when she’s deeply connected with herself.
The release can bring a wave of heightened emotions, ranging from excitement and joy to vulnerability or maybe even overwhelm afterward.
During these moments, she may need your full presence and support, as her body processes the powerful sensations she's just experienced.
III. The Ecstasy Explosion
For some lucky women, squirting feels like ecstatic bliss. This feeling is powerful, explosive, and incredibly pleasurable.
It’s a moment of intense release and satisfaction. The sensation can be so overwhelming that it leaves her in a state of pure joy.
This happens because of the combination of physical stimulation and emotional release. The powerful sensations create a feeling of euphoria.
IV. Surrender and Relaxation: The Sweet Afterglow
After squirting, there’s often a sense of surrender and relaxation. Her body feels relaxed and at ease.
The relaxation helps her enjoy the moment and feel more connected to her partner.
This relaxation occurs because the body releases tension built up during the experience. It’s a way for the body to recover.
This is also called the "afterglow," which is also common after an orgasm.
By understanding her physical and emotional sensations during squirting, you can deepen your connection and enhance the experience for both of you.
Before we go any deeper, let’s tackle the elephant in the room—those squirting myths that might be messing with your head. It's time to set the record straight.
Busting the Myths About Squirting
Don't get caught up in the squirting myths! Uncover the truth behind them and clearly understand this natural process.
Squirting isn’t like porn—it’s real and personal. This belief comes from the exaggerated portrayals in adult films where women explode like champagne bottles. In reality, squirting varies greatly in amount and appearance.
Some think the liquid expelled during squirting is just urine. Squirt liquid isn’t just urine; it contains prostate-specific antigens. This myth persists because the fluid comes from the bladder. However, research shows it’s a mix of fluids, different from urine and even vaginal lubrication.
There's a belief that squirting is a rare talent that can’t be learned. This myth comes from a lack of understanding about the G-spot and female anatomy. With patience and practice, every woman can learn to squirt.
Some people think squirting is the same as having an orgasm. This myth arises because both are linked to intense pleasure. However, squirting and orgasms are separate experiences and can happen independently.
Some believe squirting is a fetish or something only a few people enjoy. This myth comes from cultural stigmas and even porn. The truth is that squirting is a natural response that varies from person to person.
Let's zero in on the facts with those myths out of the way. Here’s the real lowdown on what squirting is all about.
Breaking Down the Truth About Squirting
Get the facts straight on squirting to clear up any misunderstandings.
With the right stimulation and patience, most women can experience squirting. You can learn how to help her squirt. As her partner, your role in creating a relaxed, supportive environment and using proper techniques can help her discover this ability, even if she hasn’t squirted before.
Squirting usually requires focused G-spot stimulation, located on the front wall of the vagina near the urethral sponge. Don’t hold back—this area needs dedicated attention.
Although not all women squirt during penetration, it is possible. The right sex positions, combined with technique and her personal preferences, can increase the chances. Pay attention to her cues and explore positions that stimulate her G-spot for the best results.
Every woman’s body is unique, so there isn’t a universal method. It may involve a combination of G-spot and clitoral stimulation, along with understanding her specific triggers.
Arousal increases blood flow to the G-spot, heightening sensitivity and making squirting more likely. Adequate arousal is key to activating the female prostate and achieving female ejaculation.
So, you’ve tried everything and still no squirt? Don’t worry—it’s not game over. Let’s figure out what might be holding her back and how you can help.
Andrew Reveals Why She Might Not Squirt
Working with many diverse men, I've heard hundreds of stories of what worked and what did not.
When nothing seemed to work for their partner, even when it seemed like all the stars aligned (right technique, solid connection, ample foreplay, her desire to squirt), and yet nothing happened, it usually could be boiled down to one or multiple of these reasons.
A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, so be that wise guy now.
Reason #1 - She Isn’t Hydrated Enough
If she isn’t drinking enough water, her body might not produce enough fluid for squirting. Hydration is key to many bodily functions, including this one. Make sure she drinks plenty of water throughout the day.
Reason #2 - She Is In Pain During The Experience
If she’s in pain, stop immediately and communicate with her. Adjust positions, use more lubrication, and check in to ensure her comfort. When she feels safe and pain-free, she’s more likely to enjoy the experience and respond positively.
Reason #3 - She Doesn’t Feel Safe
If she doesn’t feel safe, she won’t relax enough to squirt. Make sure she’s comfortable, communicate openly, and go at her pace. Create a secure, non-pressured environment where she feels supported and connected. When she’s truly relaxed and trusts you, she’s more likely to experience squirting.
And, of course, work on your connection. If all of these actions are taken and there is nothing specific going on (i.e., relationship problems, sexual trauma, etc.), you've just created a space where she'll want to squirt and feel safe doing so.
Reason #4 - Lack of Emotional Connection
A strong emotional connection plays a crucial role in helping her feel safe and open to new experiences, like squirting. If there’s tension, unresolved relationship issues, or past trauma, it can prevent her from fully relaxing and enjoying the moment.
Focus on building trust, intimacy, and emotional closeness. When she feels deeply connected and secure with you, she’s more likely to let go and explore her body’s full potential.
Reason #5 - Your Technique Is Not Correct
Technique matters. If your sex toys, fingers, or penis isn’t hitting the right spots or isn’t intense enough, she might not squirt.
Focus on G-spot stimulation using the Spiderman grip or use toys designed to hit that area. Experiment with pressure and rhythm, and always listen to her feedback to adjust your approach.
Reason #6 - You Didn’t Do Enough Build Up
Squirting often requires a lot of build-up. If you rush the process, her body might not be ready. Spend time on foreplay and gradually increase the intensity.
Focus on extended foreplay—try oral sex, fingering aka giving her a pussy massage, kissing, and teasing. Gradually increase the intensity to allow her arousal to build naturally, making squirting more likely.
If you take the above actions, you'll be well on your way to helping your partner have her first squirting orgasm.
Frequently Asked Questions
Squirting as with most female sexuality is a complex topic, and I'm sure you still have one or two questions on your mind. I don't want to send you on your way without answering them, so give this a read and let me know once your partner has her first squirting orgasm in the comments.
No, female ejaculation and squirting are different.
Female ejaculation releases a small amount of milky fluid, called female ejaculate which gets released from the Skene’s glands.
Squirting involves a larger volume of clear fluid, released from the bladder and through the urethra, during G-spot stimulation.
Both are natural, but they come from different sources and involve different fluids.
Yes, women squirt. This is a release of fluid during sexual activity. The fluid comes from the bladder and is pushed out through the urethra.
Yes, women can learn how to squirt. It may take some practice and understanding of their body, which is why starting with self-exploration and maybe even a sex toy can be beneficial, as she can go at her own pace and get comfortable recognizing the signs that she's close.
Yes, it is possible. Make sure she feels comfortable and relaxed and use the right technique, of course.
Squirting refers to the fluid from the bladder during sexual activity. Sexual incontinence (coital incontinence) is an involuntary loss of urine. Squirting is usually associated with pleasure, while incontinence is not.
It's also worth saying again that the fluid released when squirting is not urine. However, with incontinence, urine is the fluid expelled.
Ready to take your sex lives to the next level? Join our exclusive online course “Squirting Triggers” and gain in-depth knowledge with expert guidance, easy-to-follow step-by-step explanations, live demonstrations, and two female perspectives. Don’t just read about it – master it! Enroll today and start transforming your life. Get started Now!