Ladies, just how much do you love your man’s cock? Enough to get down on your knees and worship it? Because that’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about today – the sacred art of cock worship.
A lot of people haven’t even ever heard of penis worship, and many of those that have make the mistake of assuming it’s just an overly-enthusiastic blow job, but the truth is, it’s so much more than that.
In this article, we’ll be explaining exactly what cock worship is all about and showing you how to make sure your first ceremony is a truly amazing, arousing experience for you, your partner, and the beloved cock in question.
What is Cock Worship?
Cock worship is the act of showing excessive amounts of loving attention specifically to a man’s cock or a strap-on. With worship, many women (or men) aim to celebrate everything that is great about their partner’s cock and help their partner to feel more empowered, aroused, and dominant in the bedroom.
Cock worship is something that many couples can enjoy. It’s an enjoyable experience for people who like BDSM and want to reinforce dominant and submissive roles. It’s also great for ladies that want to treat their man to an extra special night that’s all about him and his cock, and for anyone that wants to give their partner an ego-boost.
In some cases, the partner being worshipped doesn’t necessarily even have to have a cock. The worshipping partner can instead worship a strap-on that the couple uses to pleasure one another. As long as there is a cock that is being given more attention than it usually would, it’s classed as penis worship.
There’s a spiritual element to worship too. In many cases, women go all out to create a ceremonial-style environment to worship their partner’s member and thank it for the pleasure that it gives or even the fertilizing properties that it possesses.
Benefits of Penis Worship – For Him and Her
Even if you think you’re not into it, give it a shot. It has some great benefits that can really improve your sex life. Here are the main ones.
It Helps to Boost Your Guys Cock Confidence
If your man has had other sexual partners before you, then there may be some baggage left over from previous relationships. Even if you are completely satisfied with his cock, he may have had bad experiences in the past that have caused him to feel insecure or inadequate about the look, shape, or length of his penis.
Penis worship can help to eradicate these insecurities and heal any emotional scars that he has from the past. It will help him to understand that no matter how he feels about his cock, the partner that he loves and adores is more than happy with the level of pleasure it provides.
It’s a Chance to Say a Much Needed ‘Thank You’ To His Pleasure Stick
Short of saying ‘that was really great’ after sex, many couples don’t really talk about how much they enjoy sex with their partner. Penis worship is a way to get all of your sexual adoration out in the open.
If you’re the kind of person that gets hot just thinking about your lover’s member, then it’s about time that you expressed that so that they truly know how much their cock means to you. Penis worship may come as a surprise to many men, as most women never express their lust and adoration for the male form in this way.
It’s a Great Way to Connect With Your Partner
If your relationship is becoming a little stale and you feel that you really need to reconnect with your partner, then penis worship could be the way to do it.
When done right, penis worship is a deeply personal experience, and it can help guys to realize what they have been missing in their relationship. By reminding the guy how much you appreciate them and their cock, it could help to inspire a deeper level of emotional connection between you.
It Can Spice Up Your Usual Routine
Getting bored with the usual routine? Feel like you’re stuck in a rut doing the same old things over and over? This is common for couples, especially if you’re married or in a long term relationship. If you’re feeling this way, a super different and exciting ceremony can be the perfect way to shake things up.
By reminding your partner of your adoration for his cock, it may put some much-needed wind into his sails and could lead to a healthier and more exciting sex life for both of you.
It’s Arousing For Everyone Involved
Planning out a full ceremony takes time, and this build-up can help to make it super sensual and arousing when you’re finally ready to worship.
All of the preparations will mean that the experience is unique and special, making it not just arousing for him and his cock but for the worshipper too.
Now you know a little about the benefits of penis worship, here’s the complete 10 step guide on what to do.
Step 1: Lay the Foundations
Penis worship is about focusing on creating an awesome experience for everyone, so doing some advanced planning is definitely a good idea. If you’re thinking about performing a penis worship ceremony for your partner, it’s a good idea to do some groundwork and find out how they feel about their own cock.
It’s not uncommon for men to have hang-ups and insecurities about their cocks, and this is something that you should aim to eradicate during the worship ceremony.
Talk openly with your partner about how they feel, find out their pain points, and try to highlight any insecurities that they have.
If you are armed with this knowledge ahead of time, you can tailor your rituals to help your man to overcome these insecurities. You should also try to find out what he likes when it comes to oral and handjobs.
Maybe he’s a big fan of eye contact, or maybe there is a particular way in which he’d like you to be dressed (or undressed). Whatever it is, try to include all of his favorite things in the ritual, and he’s likely to enjoy it much more.
Step 2: Plan the Perfect Time
Once you’ve got some ideas about things to include in your ceremony, you can start to plan the right time. For a worship ceremony to be really awesome, you need to have enough time to do everything you want to.
Penis worship is not the same as giving a cheeky blowjob before work. Since the end game isn’t always about making your partner come, it could take an hour or more, especially if you are both enjoying it.
Choose a time when you know that you will have a lot of time to spare, and you can be sure that you aren’t going to have any interruptions. This piece of mind will allow both of you to focus fully on the ceremony, and you will have the luxury to enjoy whatever happens, no matter how long it takes.
Step 3: Create an Enticing Environment
The environment is extremely important when it comes to cock worship. This is a sensual practice, and therefore, you should create an equally sensual environment for you and your partner to enjoy.
You may find it hard to focus on your lover’s member if you can see a pile of laundry in the corner behind him. Be sure to remove any annoying distractions from your room before the ceremony.
As well as this, you should also try to make the room as sensual as possible by using accessories, scents, and candles. Things like silk sheets and soft blankets feel great on a naked body and are sure to ramp up the sensuality of an otherwise average room.
You should also consider things like burning incense or scented candles and dimming the lights.
In addition to ramping up the sensuality of the environment, all of these touches will show your man that you have done everything to make this experience perfect, and this will evidence that you are truly dedicated to worshipping him and his love stick.
Step 4: Get Things Started
Once the scene is set and ready, it’s time to invite your man in to perform the ceremony. If you’re surprising your man with the penis worship, he may be taken off guard, so give him a chance to get acquainted with the new and sensual surroundings.
Simply dragging him in and yanking his pants down won’t create the ritualistic and worshipping environment that you want to.
You can start with a little light kissing, and then slowly help your man to undress. Giving a little time for him to warm up is essential. If you give him a little time to get into the ceremony, you’re likely to have a lot more cock to worship when you get down there too!
Step 5: Begin the Worshipping Ceremony
Once your man is ready and raring to go, you can begin your ceremony fully. Get down to the level of the cock and make sure that you are alert and enthusiastic about what you see.
The whole point of the ritual is to show him how much you love and appreciate his manhood. That means leaving no stone unturned when it comes to loving on his private area.
In order to drag the ritual out and really heighten the experience, start slowly and work your way up to the bigger stuff. Focus on each individual part of his genitalia. His cock, his balls, his taint, and even his butt if you know your partner is into that sort of thing.
Lightly touching or kissing the cock and its surrounding areas is a good way to start your worship, and it gives your man a chance to really get used to the idea of being worshipped.
Step 6: Compliment His Cock
The next step in the worshipping process is to compliment his cock. This is where step one really comes into play. If you have an idea of what your man doesn’t like about himself, you can use this to give you some inspiration about what to compliment.
And remember, this isn’t a cheap porno, so just shouting ‘your cock is so big’ doesn’t really cut it. Remember that this is supposed to be a personal and sensual experience to really build a bond between you and your partner, so try to think of compliments that are believable and personal.
When it comes to complimenting, you can really focus on anything, but just try to be as genuine as possible. You can comment on the taste, the length, the girth, the smoothness, the lumps, and bumps. Whatever it is that makes you hot about his cock is what you should say.
All this praise will help your man to feel like his cock is the most perfect member in the world. It will give him newfound confidence in his naked form and will counteract any insecurities that he may have picked up in past relationships.
Step 7: Incorporate Some Massage
Hands are very important, but it can be hard to use them in the right way. Many people make the mistake of jerking off their man, instead of worshipping and massaging the penis. Although this rapid action might make your guy come, it won’t necessarily make the penis worship more enjoyable.
The benefits of penis worship are very different from that of a handjob, and if you accidentally sway into handjob territory, your worship may be cut short, and your man may not feel the full effects.
When worshipping, you should try to use your hands to massage and show adoration to the cock instead.
Slow, deep massaging movements work best for this. You can also consider involving some essential oils to make the cock massage that little bit more sensual. Also, don’t be afraid to let your hands stray to other parts of his body too.
Step 8: Get Your Mouth Involved
After some sensual build-up, you may want to get your mouth involved too. Much like with the massage, steer clear of doing the same up and down motions that you would when giving a blow job. Instead, try some slower movements that focus on certain areas of the cock.
You can consider using your tongue to stimulate the tip of the penis, or holding the cock in your mouth to feel it’s fullness.
Also, if you are enjoying the sensations of his cock in your mouth, don’t forget to express this. Many men worry that women don’t really enjoy giving oral, and this, in turn, makes them enjoy it less too.
If giving oral is making you feel hot, be expressive, and tell him why you enjoy the feel of his cock in your mouth.
Step 9: Ask Your Partner What They Would Like You to Do
After being sufficiently worshipped, it’s likely that your man will be feeling confident, empowered, and extremely aroused.
At this point, it’s a great idea to put the control into his hands and ask him how he would like you to worship his cock. He may want you to go back and repeat something that you already did, or he may have some crazy idea that he would like you to try.
Whatever it is, try to be enthusiastic and accepting, and this will make everyone feel more comfortable about exploring new fantasies.
Step 10: The Finale
If your penis worship was super arousing, you might find that your partner comes during the worship, without any aggressive sexual action required. However, a lot of men will need a little more vigor to actually finish off.
If you’re both really enjoying yourselves, you may want to switch roles and have him do some pussy worship. Or if you’re both feeling super aroused, you may want to move on to more sexual things to help you both to climax.
In some cases, you may want to save this for another time, as penis worship can be really intense and can leave you feeling tired. If this is the case, don’t worry too much, it’s about the journey, not the destination.
Best Penis Worship Positions
Cock worship is intended to be a long and enjoyable ride for both partners, so be sure to get the position right, so you don’t get tired easily.
1. The Kneeling BJ Position
How to do it: If you’ve ever given a blowjob before, you’ll probably have already done this position. All it requires is for you to be on your knees in front of the man, and him to be standing upright.
What’s great about it: It’s an OG worship position that will leave your man feeling powerful and in control. Lots of guys love this position, as it gives a man a birds-eye view of what’s going on below, and helps them to feel powerful in the situation.
2. The Boss Chair
How to do it:
All you have to do is get the guy sitting down in a comfortable chair, such as an armchair, and kneel in front of him. His cock should be just in the right place to make worshipping comfortable for you.
What’s great about it: It allows your man to be comfortable, and allows you to get up close and personal with the cock.
This position is great for penis worship, as having the guy sitting also makes it much easier for you to position yourself close enough to the cock to perform your worship.
Although the guy will be sitting in this position, he will still be elevated above the giver, which will give a similar sense of empowerment to the kneeling blowjob position.
3. The Regular BJ Position
How to do it: This position is super easy. You will need to get your man lying down with his legs apart. You can then lie on your front between his legs so that your head is close to his cock.
And don’t forget, have your man prop his head up with a pillow, so he doesn’t have to strain to see what’s happening down there.
What’s great about it: It’s comfortable and relaxed for both partners whilst still being super sexy.
Although the Regular BJ Position isn’t always associated with penis worship, it’s still something to think about if you’re planning to worship for quite a long time. Being on your knees can get tiring, so moving into this position can give you a much-needed rest without disturbing the experience.
4. The Doctor Position
How to do it: This position is best performed on a sofa. Have your man lie down on the sofa with his head propped up on the armrest or pillows. Then, you kneel down at the side of the sofa and perform your worship.
What’s great about it: It provides the man total relaxation and allows him to focus fully on you and your worship. Again, this position isn’t always associated with penis worship, but it’s definitely a great position to try. The position will give your partner a feeling that he is being treated to a relaxing and sensual experience. All he has to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
Penis Worship Accessories to Have on Hand
When worshipping your man’s cock, it’s a good idea to do what you can to make the experience special, and that’s where accessories come in.
Accessories can help you to personalize your penis worship specifically to your partner, and ramp up the sensuality of the situation to send your man into sensory overload. Below are some great ideas for accessories you might want to use.
Blindfolds are a great addition to any penis worship ceremony. Removing one of the senses heightens all of the others, which means your man can enjoy the smell of the candles and sensations that he’s feeling to the fullest.
They also help to add some extra kink factor to the proceedings, which can be a good segue into other things after you’re done worshipping.
Scents and Candles
Scents and candles are also a great way to create a more special environment for your penis worship. No couple lights candles and gets super sensual every time they have sex, so the candles will help you man to realize that this is a special occasion, and help him to really get in the mood.
Scented candles or incense are also a good choice, as they create a more sensual environment and give your man some delicious smells to enjoy whilst you worship him.
His Favorites Sex Toys
Many women perform cock worship to make their man feel special and loved, and that’s why gathering up his favorite sex toys is a great idea. You can incorporate anything you like in a penis worship ceremony, and your man may appreciate you introducing some of his favorite things such as cock rings or butt plugs.
Also, consider bringing some of your own toys to the party too. Penis worship isn’t all about the guy, it can be a super arousing experience for the woman too, so if you’re feeling particularly horny, you may want to use your favorite vibrator or dildo to pleasure yourself as you worship.
Lube and Essential Oils
Lube and essential oils can spice up any sexual activity, and it can be particularly useful when it comes to penis worship. If you’re considering anally pleasuring your man as you worship, the lube is a definite must-have.
Oil, on the other hand, is more useful when it comes to the massage section of the worship ceremony. Oil makes any situation more sexy and sensual, but the extra slippiness can also help to ensure that you don’t experience hand fatigue too quickly whilst massaging.
Fresh & Sexy Sheets and Pillows
If you’re going to the lengths of performing a full-on worship ceremony for your man, you should try to make sure that everything in the bedroom is just so. This will show your man the lengths that you have gone to to make this experience special for him. Choosing extra sexy sheets is a great way to do this.
In addition to this, it can also help to heighten both of your sensory experiences too. Fresh laundry scents can be very arousing for many people and are sure to improve the experience. Fluffy or silky pillows that feel great against the skin are also a nice touch too.
Bonus Tips
If you’re keen to make sure that your penis worship is absolutely perfect, here are some extra tips.
Be Vocal
Don’t be afraid to show and tell what you are feeling during your ceremony. Although you want the ceremony to be focused on the cock, your man will love knowing how his cock actually makes you feel.
If you feel super wet or into it, don’t hesitate to make this known. It can only make the experience more intense and enjoyable for both of you.
Look Into His Eyes
Eye contact really helps to make sexual experiences feel more connected and authentic. Guys love to see their partner’s eyes and expressions as it helps them to truly gauge how much they’re enjoying themselves.
Try your best to look into his eyes regularly; when you’re not looking at his cock, of course!
Be Ritualistic
For many people, penis worship is about harnessing the flow of sexual energy between two partners. And if this is what makes it appeal to you, then include whatever rituals you want into your worship.
You may even want to practice the Lingam-heart ritual. Loosely translated, Lingam is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wand of light.’ During the ritual, you place one hand on the ‘Lingam’ (cock) and the other on their heart and visualize the flow of energy between these two points.
If this is something you’re into, be sure to do some research into Tantric practices and massage to learn more.
Worship Regularly
Cock worship isn’t really something you can do on a daily basis if you want it to remain a special experience. However, if you enjoy it, you should try to do it whenever you have the time.
The benefits go much further than an orgasm, and regular penis worship (and pussy worship) in a relationship can help couples to feel more confident and enjoy their regular sex lives much more.
Make It Kinkier, If That’s What You’re Into
Most of this article has been about making penis worship sensual and special. However, there are a fair few BDSM enthusiasts that love cock worship too.
If you’re looking to be worshipped by your sub and you want things to have a little extra kink factor, then be sure you include all of your favorite accessories and maybe some role play too. Like I said at the start of the article, penis worship can be great for all couples, whatever they’re into.
Talk About It Afterwards
Penis worship is quite a niche practice, and therefore, your partner may have no idea what it’s all about. If you both enjoyed the experience, be sure to chat about it afterward and learn more about what your partner enjoyed about the worship.
If your man liked the penis worship, but you’d like the roles to be reversed, they easily can be. Pussy worship is just the same, except the shoe is on the other foot. So if you think it’s something you’d enjoy, be sure to tell them!
Final Thoughts
Cock worship can be a fun and extremely moving way to spice up a relationship, and it can help you give your man some much-needed confidence in the bedroom. If you’re thinking about penis worship, hopefully, this article helped you to learn more about this sacred practice.
Also, if you’re an avid worshipper of the ‘wand of light,’ be sure to tell us all about your experiences via email.
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Great article, my husband loves it when I worship his cock 😉
I love worshiping my boyfriend’s cock – makes him feel like a king. My advice is to use a pocket pussy like a fleshlight or onahole to switch things up between your hand and mouth. it works – trust me!
Awesome tip — There’s nothing wrong with bringing some toys into the mix for some added fun!